The Arabist

The Arabist

By Issandr El Amrani and friends.

Israeli diplomats told to take offensive in PR war against Iran - Haaretz - Israel News

Israeli diplomats told to take offensive in PR war against Iran - Haaretz - Israel News
Israel prepares worldwide agitprop campaign against Iran, including the subversion of its poor human rights record to advance their agenda on the nuclear program. Then you wonder why human rights groups are easily discredited in countries like Iran: One specific recommendation is that diplomats organize "anti-Iranian events" opposite Iranian embassies worldwide. These could include mock hangings and stonings, since Iran still uses both methods to execute offenders - particularly homosexuals and women who violate its morality laws. "We decided to move from defense to offense," a senior Foreign Ministry official said, explaining the decision to broaden Israel's public diplomacy campaign against Iran to showcase other issues, such as human rights violations, instead of focusing solely on Iran's nuclear program. "We need to show the world who the real Iran is and make sure that the presidential election does not create the illusion that it is a Jeffersonian democracy."