The Arabist

The Arabist

By Issandr El Amrani and friends.

Egypt's New Press Dons

The biggest news of the week is the changing of the editors in Egypt's big three state papers - al-Ahram, Akhbar al-Yom, and al-Gumhuriya.

At Al-Ahram:
Ibrahim Nafie was replaced by editor Osama Saraya and chairman Salah al-Ghamri.

At Akhbar al-Yom:
Ibrahim Saada was replaced by Momtaz al-Qut.

At Gumhuriya:
Samir Ragheb was replaced by Ali Ibrahim.

There are rumors that the new press heads are either connected to the security services or Gamal Mubarak's influential NDP's Policies Secretariat.

Does anyone know, for certain, who is attached to where/what?

Perhaps Baheyya could shed some light?