Links for 10/10/07
A fragrant potpourri handpicked from the internets:

- The sun sets early on the American Century, by Philip S Golub (Twilight of empire)
- IntelliBriefs: Egypt: Security, Political, and Islamist Challenges (Long paper on Egypt)
- Iraq - Kanan Makiya - Saddam Hussein - New York Times (Dexter Filkins profiles Kanan Makiya)
- "Cervantes’s Golden Age" by Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (Don Quijote, early music, Andalusia)
- Bin Laden may be in city, not cave: ex-spy chief (Urban Osama?)
- "Facts and Darfur" by Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) (Spinning Darfur)
- Comment is free: Land of the free? (Richard Silverstein on the Lobby)
- Inside Higher Ed :: Are You Ready for 'Islamo-Fascism Week'? (It's that time of the year again)