The Arabist

The Arabist

By Issandr El Amrani and friends.

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Still trying to figure out how to replicate the links function, so doing this by hand for now. Remember, the latest links are always on the sidebar.
Hassan al-Banna pdf Ebook Download | Collection of PDF documents
A Tweet, Facebook, a Blog Comment Or Even an “SMS” Can Get You To Prison in Jordan! | Jordan begins policing the internet. A Defensive Egypt and US Foreign Policy | Michael Hanna ties succession and Egypt's policy on Gaza: the regime has a "distorted worldview and narrowed perception of its own interests."
Greg Palast » The Right Testicle of Hell:History of a Haitian Holocaust | Angry about Haiti.
AFP: Protests in north Lebanon as electricity rationed | Weird country, so rich in some ways, but can't provide electricity. Mind you the Syrians kept it that way for a long time.
Shlomo Sand: the man that Zionists love to hate | Books interview | Books | The Observer | Author of "The Invention of the Jewish People." Fascinating.
Abroad - New Weapons in Europe’s Culture Wars - | On nationalist right-wing posters, like the Swiss minaret one.
Al Qaradawi and Al Qaradawi Mania Asharq Alawsat Newspaper (English) | Attack on Qaradawi's recent pronouncement on Abbas and Egypt.
Zvi Bar'el / Israel is engaging in gangster diplomacy - Haaretz | Funny, but sad.
'Naga Hammadi bloggers' released after one-day detention | Al-Masry Al-Youm
Latest issue of CTC Sentinel | All about counter-terrorism and Yemen. [PDF]
Peres: Humiliation of Turkey envoy does not reflect Israel's diplomacy - Haaretz - Israel News | What a silly incident - hopefully there will be more like it, with Israel shooting itself in the foot.
SHE2I2: Egypt moves to blockade Gaza - by sea | "Egypt is building an anchorage for patrol boats on its Gaza sea border" to prevent smuggling. What determination.
Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World | New book. I hope it doesn't repeat the well-worn Zionist propaganda about the Nazis and the Palestinians.
Ikhwanweb :: Letter from new chairman M. Badie | More of the same, but with full Quranic citations.
AFP: Attack on Egypt Copts shows 'intolerance': US official | First thing human rights czar Michael Posner says about Egypt is about sectarian issues, not wider political problems that allow them.
Egypt coach Hassan Shehata wants only players who observe Islam on national team | So God didn't want Egypt in the World Cup?
Activists arrested en route to Naga Hammadi | Al-Masry Al-Youm | Update on Egyptian bloggers' arrest in Naga Hammadi.
'US architect withdraws from Jerusalem museum project' | Frank Gehry drops project for museum over Muslim cemetery.
Plan for all seasons - The National Newspaper | My article on endless calls for new Marshall Plans.