Links 9 December 2010
From the excellent Tumblog "KimJong Il looking at things", which deserves a Middle Eastern version.
- WikiLeaks : “L’Algérie appuie l’Égypte dans sa position sur Gaza”
The one thing Egypt and Algeria agree on: blockading Gaza, going after Hamas.
Sahel blog on Wilileaks, the US in the Maghreb and Sahel, AQIM etc.
HRW treats a restaurant refusing to serve Israeli Jews with same urgency as Jordan's election fraud or torture policies. WTF?
Zeinobia has latest ElBaradei video, saying democracy is worse in Egypt than Afghanistan.
Wikileaks Cable reveals Shell control of Nigerian politics.
Where is the (Hillary) Clinton initiative on internet freedom after Wikileaks?
This guy, on NYR blog, doesn't seem to get the anarchist and anti-US message of Wikileaks.
Another death due to police brutality in Alexandria.