Links for June 2-5 2010
There will be no more blogging today, and I am traveling tomorrow... but in the meantime here are the links.
- Hamas must reshape itself | David Hearst
Need strong Pal leadership - Fatah no longer credible, Hamas must engage.
- IDF Releases Apparently Doctored Flotilla Audio; Press Reports As Fact
More poorly made Israeli agitprop.
- Israel as a Strategic Liability?
Anthony Cordesman, why the question mark?
- Hirsi Ali, Berman, and Ramadan on Islam : The New Yorker
Review of silly books.
- LRB · Jacqueline Rose · ‘J’accuse’: Dreyfus in Our Times
Israel can learn from the Dreyfus Affair about rendering justice to Palestinians.
- Sudan after the elections: Back to the bad old ways | The Economist
""the election’s chief upshot is that Mr Bashir has tightened his grip in the north and the SPLM has done the same in the south."
- Israel and Gaza: How Israel plays into Hamas's hands | The Economist
On Gaza's blockade, possibilities for Pal reconciliation.
- Copts and marriage: You can't just marry anyone | The Economist
On a recent ruling against the church.
- Egypt: Director goes off the government's script -
Censorship and filming in Egypt.
- What exactly is the blockade of Gaza? by Yousef Munayyer | The Middle East Channel
The facts.
- Israel’s commando complex
"Recently an intelligence official actually called the absence of Palestinian terror a 'propaganda problem.'"
- - A Jewish Writer from the Arab Perspective
Kafka as seen by the Arabs.
- State Terrorism « LRB blog
Rachid Khalidi.
- Fatah and Hamas are both taking on water; Robert Blecher; International Crisis Group | The Middle East Channel
How true: "the official Palestinian leadership has grown increasingly marginal in its own national struggle."
- Gaza Protest in London « LRB blog
Tariq Ali calls for BDS in London protest. Very eloquent.
- Nonviolence from the bottom up by Sami Awad | The Middle East Channel
Great, but how about Israel being non-violent and ending the occupation?
- Amira Hass / Lexicon of most misleading terms in Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Very good points, esp. on "non-violence."
- Egypt lets generators into Gaza, first time since war
Because generators were so dangerous.