Links September 8-12 2010
The black helicopters are coming...
- Robert Fisk: The lie behind mass 'suicides' of Egypt's young women
The Egypt bit in Fisk's multi-part series on honor killings.
- Park51, and Islam in America : The New Yorker
Lawrence Wright makes the point I've been making: Park51 is the US's Danish Cartoons.
- 'World's first' Arabic-speaking robot looks for funding
Robot's first word: "baksheesh"
- What if Helen Thomas Had Emulated Powerful Right-Wingers and Said Palestinians Don't Exist? | | AlterNet
- Tomgram: Juan Cole, The Media as a Security Threat to America | TomDispatch
Cole on Pakistan's floods and how they are being ignored (although I disagree with Cole that the answer here is US involvement.)
- US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies'
Grand Theft Afghanistan.
- Prospects of constitutional reform in Turkey | The Middle East Channel
Worth reading - can't believe the usual (pro-Israel) suspects are calling these reforms undemocratic when they undo what a coup created.
- Khaled and the myth of rai | The Middle East Channel
Cheb Khaled's complicated politics - a good read, but omits he beats his wife, not that this takes away anything from his music.
- Saudi diplomat: 'My life is in danger'
Anything that damages US-Saudi relations is good for me.
- 'Collaborator!' – a charge that has plagued Egypt | Osama Diab
Rather optimistic in its belief that agitprop doesn't work.
- Egypt leverages rights scolding by U.S. Senate
Egyptian lobbying on the rise.
- The Resettlement Legal Aid Project
Blog of Cairo Sudanese refugee project.
- Remarks on United States Foreign Policy
H. Clinton on various things, notably Sudan: "ticking timebomb".
- DE BORCHGRAVE: World's first failed nuclear state? - Washington Times
- Key Egypt reformer to leave cabinet for WBank | Reuters
Mohieldin skips out on the succession.
- A 210 year old map of Cairo on Google Earth |
- Israel’s omniscient ears
On Israel's electronic spy base in the Negev.
- MEI Editor's Blog: Is Arabic Hard? The Latest Silly Controversy
On that Israeli study.
- Saudi Time -
Tom Friedman, one-stater: "If these talks fail... talk of a “two-state solution” will enter the realm of fantasy."
- Just World Books: Timely Books for Changing Times
New publisher Helena Cobban puts out books on MidEast.
- NOREF - US Hamas policy blocks Middle East peace
Henry Siegman.
- YouTube - Empire - The Peace Procession
Marwan Bishara hosts Malley, Shaath, Mearsheimer.
- Update on Sudan Referendum « Sahel Blog
Ticking time bomb.
Documentary about Israeli peace activists.
- Départ d’un ami des livres
RIP Mohieddine Labbad, Egyptian cartoonist.
- Islamic fundamentalism: The Q&A: Lawrence Wright, journalist
Prospero talks about Larry's new documentary.
- Middle East Report Online: Another War Zone: Social Media in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Adi Kuntsman and Rebecca L. Stein
- ElBaradei Calls for Boycott of Egypt Election -
Unfortunately, no one will answer.
- Why Israelis Don't Care About Peace with Palestinians - TIME
This innocuous cover story has the pro-Israel crowd seething and, as usual, throwing accusations of anti-Semitism. Yawn.
- For Arab citizens, no questions asked
Another great piece by Rami Khouri.