Links 6-10 september 2012
Sex bomb
- Who speaks for Egypt's workers? - By Dina Bishara
Competing unions.
- La révolution en Egypte est-elle finie ? - Les blogs du Diplo
Alain Gresh.
- President Morsi sees 77 pct approval rating after 60 days in office - Ahram Online
- Le Figaro : Marzouki : « La Tunisie ne plonge pas dans l'islamisme »
- Syria Refugees Stranded On Turkish Border
Paul Schemm.
- BBC News - Iraq VP Tariq al-Hashemi sentenced to death
- Human rights group alleges US waterboarded Gaddafi opponents | Reuters
- M of A - MSF Doctor: At Least Half Of Insurgents Are Foreigners And Jihadis
- Rolling Bulb — IMF Amnesia - by Avi Asher-Schapiro
- 'Salafisation' of Al-Azhar condemned - Ahram Online
At al-Awqaf actually.
- Biking from Tunisia to China for Wetland Conservation · Global Voices
- The US and the Muslim Brotherhood | The Majalla Magazine
- Who's Who in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
- Update: Culture minister to investigate Alexandria book market destruction | Egypt Independent
- MEI Editor's Blog: The Raid on Nabi Daniel: Targeting Booksellers in Alexandria
- البيان التاسيسي لكتيبة أحرار فلسطين -- لواء تطهير الشام - YouTube
Founding statement of the Free Palestinians battalion in #Syria in response to the killing of Palestinians and Syrians:
- Centrist politicians hope to evade Islamist-secular divide | Egypt Independent
- الاشتراكيون الثوريون | السلطة والثروة للشعب ( بث تجريبي )
Relaunched website of Egypt's Revolutionary Socialists.
- Recognition of Jerusalem as capital opens rift -
Democrats go more Zionist and religious.
- France gives Syria liberated zones aid, mulls weapons - source | Reuters
- CNN and the business of state-sponsored TV news
Greenwald's right - CNN's Middle East advertorials are OTT.
- Amos Yadlin: Only bombing Assad's forces will stop the slaughter now - The Independent
Former Israeli head of mil intel.
- Egyptian Chronicles: Clever Move to win the army dear Morsi
Promoting old-timers sidelined by Mubarak.
- Jihadists and Post-Jihadists in the Sinai
By Omar Ashour in FP.
- Web Index| World Wide Web Foundation
Arab countries rank starting at 35, in part due to high political impact.
- Libya's constitution controversy - By Duncan Pickard | The Middle East Channel
- New heads of state press: Q&A with journalist Gamal Fahmy | Egypt Independent
Pretty bad.