The Arabist

The Arabist

By Issandr El Amrani and friends.

General Sisi's kindersturm

اغنيه (بنحب البلد دى) غناء الطفله المعجزه ( Halla Hany ) البيدج الخاصه بحلاارجو من محبنها مشاهدتها و منابعت اخبارها من خللها فكره ايه ابو الفتوح من كلمات ايه ابو الفتوح و Kareem Galal Kapo .

There is plenty of vile propaganda going around Egypt these days, but this takes the prize for most vomit-inducing. Be sure to stick around till 2:20, when the Sisi voice-over kicks in, and the lead child singer ends the song with (in English) "I love you Sisi."

The parents of these kids should be ashamed of themselves.