Links for January 11th
Automatically posted links for January 11th:
- Islam and democracy | The practice?and the theory | - Rather flawed piece since it alleges democracy not discussed in Muslim lands
- The Arabs | Between fitna, fawda and the deep blue sea | - "IT IS not easy to be an Arab these days"
- George MacDonald Fraser - Economist obituary of Flashman creator
- ACLU: Court Rejects Government?s Attempt to Deport Egyptian to Torture - Egyptian convert successfully claims torture is likely if sent back to Egypt
- House Leaders Vow Tough Stance on Iran - Tom Lantos potential successors just as gung-ho on Israel
- Torture In Egypt: The Nadeem Center?s Report at 3arabawy - Hossam has torture report available for download
- Egypt names site of first nuclear reactor - It's Dabaa, whatever the real estate speculators wanted!
- CIA: We said back in 1974 that Israel had nuclear weapons - But in Seymour Hersh's "Samson Option" it's clear the US knew, but did not want to hear, in late 1960s
- 25 Simply Amazing Mosques - List includes many modern mosques, but what about Hassan II in Casablanca?
- Threat To Cut U.S. Aid Opens Rift With Egypt - Forward looks at Egypt's accusations at Israel lobby