The Arabist

The Arabist

By Issandr El Amrani and friends.

Posts tagged maziar
Links for 08.04.09
AFP: Maroc : Mohammed VI très populaire, selon un sondage interdit dans son pays | Great headline - "Morocco: Muhammad VI very popular, according to poll banned in his country." / Middle East / Economy - Egypt’s cotton kingdom cut down to size | Good story on Egyptian textile industry: "Egypt is likely this year to produce its smallest cotton crop in a century." / Comment / Editorial - The cost of Arab peace concessions | Bravo FT: "In 1992-96, at the height of the peace process, Israel reaped a peace dividend without concluding a peace. Diplomatic recognition of Israel doubled, from 85 to 161 countries, exports doubled and foreign investment increased sixfold. Per capita income in the occupied territories fell in the same period by more than a third, while the number of settlers expanded by half. A broad-looking avenue led quickly to a road-block. The Arabs have not forgotten, and Mr Obama will have to get more than a settlement freeze out of Israel to lure them down that road again."
Newsweek Steps Up Effort to Free Reporter in Iran - | On Maziar Bahari's detention in Iran.
Venezuela : Chavez suspend 34 médias d'opposition | Hugo Chavez bans 34 independent media outlets.
In the Sahara, a Film Festival Complete With Camels - | On a film festival in Sahrawi refugee camps.
Blog: Middle East Diary | Hannah is back.
Hugh Miles and CCTV Arabic | The author of a book on al-Jazeera on the new Chinese channel.
'VALIS and Later Novels,' by Philip K. Dick | VALIS, which I am now reading, enters Library of America. Someone should write a PKD-ish novel set in the Arab world. Then again, I've always found Cairo highly reminiscent of the world of Bladerunner.
10,000 Uighur disappear in China, U.S. silent | Spero News | Shocking link from Angry Arab, although I'm not sure about the source - this site has a lot of religious agit-prop.
Liam Stack, Greek Club Civil War, and Developing Developments | Boi boi Liam...