Via Black and WTF.
Automatically posted links for November 20th:
- List of invitees to Mideast peace talks - Yahoo! News - How do I get an invite?
- Obama: I tried drugs as a teen (AP) - Kids: do drugs and drink, it doesn't matter you might still be president or at least senator.
- Divorce in Egypt every six minutes ( -
- Islamists Today: The Man Who Once Secretly Ruled the Islamic Jihad Speaks out - Khalil Enani looks at the man at the center of the Islamic Jihad recantation
- The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Annapolis and After - ICG report suggests getting serious in Annapolis, notably by including Hamas and Syria
- Sandmonkey Tales: Abdel Monem and me - Sandmonkey is stirring shit again...
- In West Bank, Checkpoints Splinter Palestinian Economy - - West Bank economy "shattered", says World Bank
- Wealthy Nations In Gulf Rethink Peg to Dollar - - To peg or not to peg?
- - Egyptian Woman Files for Divorce Over Husband's Refusal to Shower - Another great headline
- Le : Les bars a  narguilés menacés de fermeture le 1er janvier - France to close down shisha bars