The Arabist

The Arabist

By Issandr El Amrani and friends.

Posts tagged benbarka
Links for 10.13.09
Essay - The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate - | Speaking of the Large Hadron Collider, this is pretty cool.
BBC NEWS | Europe | 'Al-Qaeda-link' Cern worker held | Terrorist attack of potentially cosmic proportions: "The suspect had been working on the LHC Beauty (LHCb) experiment, which is investigating the slight differences between matter and anti-matter by studying a type of particle called the "beauty quark"."
Kurdistan Halts Oil Exports - | Over payment dispute with central government.
AFP: Hamas claims member tortured to death in Egypt jail | In other words, a Hamas member is treated like an Egyptian.
Erotic Poet Cavafy’s Trace Fades in Egypt’s Mythic Alexandria - | The usual nostalgia for cosmopolitan Alexandria. Do visit the Cavafy museum when in Alex, though. - "The Mooslims, they're heeere!" | A newish website that tracks Islamophobia, with a particular lookout for the kind of people who write for Middle East Forum and other reflexively anti-Muslim, anti-Arab sites.
Middle East: a Belgian solution? | Khaled Diab | Comment is free | | This is a funny, surreal headline but Khaled Diab is very misinformed about Belgian politics: the Belgian model is not pragmatic compromise, but rather wasteful deadlock.
Ben Barka: Le dossier secret de la gendarmerie - affaire ben barka - | Ben Barka's body said to have been incinerated outside of Paris.
Tariq Ali: Ahmed Rashid's War | Nasty attack on Ahmed Rashid by Tariq Ali. Don't know if any of this is true, but Ali alleged Rashid operates on behalf of Hamid Karzai.
Middle East News | Egypt detains 24 Muslim Brotherhood members | More zero-tolerance in Egypt towards people protesting in solidarity with Palestinians.
Algerian Islamists in the Era of Reconciliation « The Moor Next Door | On the Algerian branch of the Muslim Brothers, and their relationship with the regime.
New Statesman - Textbook injustice in Gaza | Gazan children go back to school with few textbooks, and anything else for that matter. / UK - Airline flies on natural gas | Qatar experiments with natural gas-derived kerosene, which makes sense for the country with the world's biggest gas fields.
Netanyahu: No war crimes trials for Israelis - Yahoo! News | One day there will be many trials ya Bibi... and until then Israeli officials will be less and less able to travel abroad.
Palestinian Memo says Hopes in Obama 'Evaporated' Asharq Alawsat Newspaper (English) | "JERUSALEM, (AP) – An internal document circulated among members of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' political party says all hopes placed in the Obama administration "have evaporated" because of alleged White House backtracking on key issues to the Palestinians."